
Friday, February 8, 2013

Menu 2013: February 4-March 3

This month has already started out kind of crazy and will continue to along that path of crazy busy-ness! I suppose I should share a little back-story on what I'm talking about. On January 27th, Jared accepted the position of Assistant Pastor at a church about 2 hours from us. We are very excited about how God has worked in every aspect of this call to ministry. We cannot wait to dive in and get busy, but before that happens we've much to do. We need finish prepping our current home and put it up for sale, find a new home, pack, keep up with daily tasks (cooking, dishes, laundry, homeschooling, etc.), and also get in a few "goodbye visits" with friends. With the move and such in mind, I plan to just keep things simple this month. I'm not really following a set menu (Spicy, Italian, Comfort, etc.) as I've done in the past. Instead, I am going to cook based on what is easy to make and/or easy to clean up after. :o)

Week 1: February 4-10
Week 2: February 11-17
Week 3: February 18-24
Week 4: February 25-March 3
Your turn
  1. What are some tips/tricks you've used to get a house ready to sell, pack for a big move, declutter,  quick clean-up ideas (to get the house ready for a showing), etc. OR
  2. What are some "go to" simple and delicious meals that your family enjoys?

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