
Monday, January 27, 2014

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life: Day 19

I am reading 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life as part of my goals for 2014 and I'm sharing insights from each day's readings. If you want to catch up on my progress, read previous days: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Day 8, Day 9, Day 10, Day 11, Day 12, Day 13, Day 14, Day 15, Day 16, Day 17, Day 18.

Day 19:
Get it done early. "This principle applies to your home and family life as well as your business. Whenever possible, get it - whatever it may be - done early and eliminate the stress and frustration of being pulled in a million directions." Crystal talks about how she had a problem with always being late. I can totally relate to this as I have struggled with it as well. "Why complete a task now, when I can wait 30 more minutes and do it in a mad rush?" Pretty silly thinking, but many times I find myself doing it. Procrastination brings extra stress so why do we do it? It's a wrong mentality that we need to change. Well, at least, I need to change. Don't overwhelm yourself by trying to be on time for everything at once. Start slowly by focusing on one event at a time.
Practical Application: 1. Read The Secret of Success for a Work-At-Home Mom. 2. Choose one area that you especially struggle with being behind in or running late for. Write down a simple plan for how you are going to stop procrastinating, start planning ahead, and get it done early. Well, there are so many areas the I struggle with procrastination that it's hard to pick just one. But, since I have to pick just one, I will have to go with being late for everything. I really struggle with getting out the door on time for church, Bible study, grocery shopping, etc. It really creates friction between myself and my hubby, who thinks that you are late unless you get somewhere 15 minutes or more before an event starts. I will start planning to be early. I will set reminders. I won't procrastinate on getting the kids ready to go. I will do the prep work required to be on time, whether it's writing up my shopping list and clipping coupons the night before or loading the van ahead of time. I will focus on getting things done ahead of time.

Mega Project Progress: I was able to get my two mending projects done but I am still not caught up.

General Progress: I have been doing really well at getting my exercise into my daily routine. I finished week 2 day 4. I also went to bed with a clean kitchen and most of the laundry done.

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