Day 13:
Read motivating books. I loved this chapter because I have made this one of my goals for 2014. "Good books will challenge you to improve as an individual." Crystal talks about reading before bed and how it can help you unwind while sharpening your mind. She also suggests listening to audio books if you struggle finding time to reading. She offers 3 book suggestions to give a boost in the discipline department. 1. Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time
Practical Application: Choose one book or audiobook related to self-discipline and read it over the next month. Be sure to set daily goals for your reading. I plan to read one of the books she mentioned, probably the "Today Matters" by John Maxwell as Jared has read some of his work and really likes it.
Mega Project Progress: Crystal suggests matching the book on discipline to your Mega Projects, i.e. if you are trying to lose weight read about finding time for fitness and good eating habits, if you're trying to clean out a room read about organization. She also mentions reading a biography of someone who has already accomplished what you are trying to do. I will have to look into what I my next project is and find some reading to go with it. As far as my progress, I did my 2 mending projects tonight, tossed 4 projects that were beyond repair, and got rid of 4 projects that didn't need mending per se. They were clothes that just needed to be taken in since all 3 of my girls are tall and thin. But I decided that it would be better to give them away than to let them take up space in my basement. I don't even feel the least bit of regret over putting them in the "give away" pile. My sisters and hubby would say that's progress since they all know how much I dislike parting with things that I "might" be able to use. :)
General Progress: I did it! I got up early and worked out for 20 minutes. I even got a chance to do some writing and have my devotions before the kids got up. It felt so good. I also went to bed with a clean kitchen even after whipping together a potato salad for a funeral at church today.
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