
Monday, September 26, 2011

Menu: October 3-30

I thought the 2 week menu worked really well but liked the 3 week even better. With that said, I'm going to attempt a 4 week menu to see which I like better. What's your favorite?

October 3-9
October 10-16
October 17-23 (crockpot week, if you need more crockpot ideas check out A Year of Slow Cooking)
Anyone have a crockpot recipe that they really enjoy that I've not listed before?
    October 24-30 (Bean Week) - Sunday is our anniversary. We've been married 7 years. 
    Weekend Baking

    Tuesday, September 20, 2011

    Chicken and Stuffing Bake Three Ways

    When Mr. R. was born, one of our friends brought over this wonderful dish for dinner. I'd never had it before but instantly loved it. It's such a simple yet hearty dish with lots of flavor. Since then I have discovered that there are several ways to make this dish so I am including three recipes. You can mix and match different features of each recipe to come up with the perfect combination for your family.

    Saturday, September 17, 2011

    Caprese Pizza

    I really enjoy watching cooking shows because they generally get my creative juices flowing with ideas for new recipes. I happened to watch a show on Cooking channel the other day while feeding the baby when I had a scrumptious idea pop into my head. I do not remember what show it was but the theme was Caprese dishes (Caprese salad and caprese spaghetti were the two main dishes presented).

    Thursday, September 8, 2011

    Menu: September 12 - October 2

    We've got a lot going on as usual so I thought I'd try to get a jump on things by attempting a 3 week menu. I really like the 2 week menu format that I've been doing lately. What do you think?

    September 12-18
    September 19-25
    September 26-October 2
    Need some more ideas? Check out the master list

    Harvest Time Ideas

    With Fall fast approaching, I have begun the task of harvesting the fruits of my labor - from tomatoes and peppers to melons and summer squash. Here are things that I do with my "extra" produce (what I don't eat up or share).

    Thursday, September 1, 2011

    Ricotta Eggplant Rolls

    With a surplus of eggplant in my garden I've been looking for some new recipes. I happened up a recipe for Ricotta Eggplant Rolls and thought that I'd try to lighten it up a bit. Here's my version and it is just as delicious!